Thursday, September 27, 2012

Teacher Improvement

There are several factors affecting what kind of education a child gets.  One of those factors is teacher effectiveness.  Teacher improvement is the next step to take. Teacher improvement is a continuous process. As students evolve in their quest for knowledge, teacher improvement is necessary to keep up with the insatiable pursuit of learning.  

One of the ways a teacher is measured for effectiveness is the preparedness of the student to conquer college and eventually the real world.  Teacher improvement can make a huge difference in the way lessons are conveyed to the students.

School Improvement Network has a systematic approach on how teacher improvement can be implemented in schools.  Nearly two decades of studying how performing schools in America have helped students achieve success through continuous teacher improvement. By developing methods for teacher improvement, each phase in the learning process is taken into consideration.  Teacher improvement can be done through a systematic process like goals and objectives formulation, process, workflow management, etc.

School Improvement Network can be accessed through  For educators who are looking for teacher improvement in their schools, sign up to receive a free trial of the Teacher Effectiveness System (TES).  A professional development advisor will be available to demonstrate how use the TES.  With TES, a methodical teacher improvement method is easy to learn.

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